Guidelines for scientific sessions

The 10th World Ayurveda Congress will be conducting exclusive Scientific Sessions to showcase the recent advances in research made in the field of Ayurveda researches.

Oral and poster abstracts

The Scientific Committee of globally renowned experts will review the abstracts submitted as per guidelines given on The decisions of the Scientific Committee are final on all matters pertaining to the presentation and publication with regard to the Congress. The abstracts must only be submitted online at our website.

General recommendations

The title of the abstract should clearly indicate the subject of the research, the method and purpose of the study. If selected, it will also be the title of the presentation. The target group of practitioners, planners, manufacturers, consumer groups and traders. Scientific abstracts should not be considered as a means to advertise products. The World Ayurveda Congress provides alternate opportunities for the promotion of products. To submit abstracts and papers, use the online module by visiting Abstracts submitted in any other mode will not be accepted. It is the responsibility of the authors that the papers are written strictly in British English. The editors will not do any text editing or reformatting. All diagrams, pictures, tables and equations used in posters should be visible and readable. As conference proceedings will be available in digital form too, colours may be used in figures. Colour scheme should be grey scale convertible for black and white printouts. All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by e-mail, no later than 15 October 2024. The last date for submission of abstracts is 30 September 2024. 

Format for oral presentations and posters

All oral presentations will get 6 minutes followed by 2 minutes of discussion via a moderator. Outstanding submissions may be chosen for longer presentations. Submissions should be structured under the headings – Purpose, Methods, Results & Conclusion. This is applicable to all abstracts whether it is basic or clinical research including literary research works. Research is a process of asking a question and finding an answer by using a methodology to obtain findings. This process should be highlighted in the abstract. During the Congress, space will be available for poster exhibition. Posters are graphic presentations of a scientific paper. The guidelines for oral abstracts are also applicable to the poster abstracts. The template for the oral and poster presentation is made available on the website.

Download templates for Oral Presentation

Based on the template given above, the soft copy of the Oral presentation must be developed in PPTX (Power Point) format. The procedure to upload the Oral presentation material is as given below.

Submission of Oral Presentation Material (PPTX Format Only)

    • The Oral Presentation material must be in PPTX format.
    • The file size of the Oral presentation material (PPTX) must be less than 10mb.
    • For Uploading the PPTX file, please login to your WAC-Manager dashboard at and access the ‘Manage Abstracts’ page. Please find the ‘Upload Presentation’ button made available under “Operations” against your abstract selected for Presentation and upload the final presentation material.
    • The ‘Upload Presentation’ button will be active only after the delegate registration is done. (The Delegate  Info along with Delegate ID must be visible on the Delegate Registration page on the same WAC-Manager dashboard from which the abstract was submitted.)

Based on the template given above, the hard copy of posters should be made with a width of 3 feet and height of 4 feet (4ft X 3ft) and must be brought at the allotted date and time of presentation for the 10th WAC. The date and time of the presentation will be shared later.

Soft copy (Digital Poster) of the Poster presentation must be made in PDF format. The procedure to upload PDF soft copy of the poster is as given below.

Submitting Your Digital Poster (PDF Format) 

  • The E-Poster must be in PDF format.
  • The PDF file size must be less than 10mb.
  • For Uploading PDF file, please login to your WAC-Manager dashboard at and access the ‘Manage Abstracts’ page. Please find the ‘Upload Presentation’ button made available under “Operations”, against your abstract selected for Presentation and upload the final presentation material.
  • The Upload Presentation button will be active only after the delegate registration is done. The Delegate  Info along with Delegate ID must be visible on the Delegate Registration page on the same WAC-Manager dashboard from which the abstract was submitted.

 Note :

  • Last date for submission of Poster Presentation File : 10-November-2024
  • Failure to submit your e-poster by the deadline would result your presentation to be disqualified.
Abstract heading guidelines:
  1. Title of abstract – should be in sentence case, do not capitalise the title.
  2. Author(s) name(s) – provide first initial, name, and surname. The author who fills the form will be considered as the first author.
  3. Affiliated institution/organisation(s) – Name of institution/ organisation, city, state and country of origin should be provided without fail. Provide affiliations of all coauthors as well.
  4. Email addresses of all the authors should be provided
Abstract text guidelines:
  1. Abstracts longer than 300 words will not be accepted.
  2. Abstracts as reports of original work should follow CONSORT extension for abstract for clinical interventions, STROBE Statement checklist for observational studies and ARRIVE guidelines for in-vivo research. The abstracts should contain brief but complete statements of: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results/Discussion, and Conclusion(s).
  3. Abstracts of other than original research should contain: an introduction to the issue being addressed, the aims of the work undertaken (e.g. a project, or a report or other document), an indication of the main content or findings in the paper, and a conclusion.
  4. The abstract must contain sufficient information to provide readers with a clear understanding of the study/report independent of the presentation.
  5. Abstracts stating that results or conclusions ‘will be discussed’, ‘will be presented’ or similar will not be accepted.
  6. Abstracts should be written in the past tense (i.e. should state what was done, not what is being, will or might be done).
  7. Non-standard abbreviations (NSA) must be defined in the instance of their first use as exemplified in this sentence.
  8. Abstracts without clear mention about funding and disclosure of conflict of interest will not be accepted.
  9. Abstracts must be submitted via the conference website not later than 30 September 2024
Selection and scheduling of abstracts for presentation

Authors will be notified of the decision of the scientific committee regarding the acceptance of their abstracts on or before 15-October-2024. Depending on the quality and the content of the submission, the submission may be accepted for oral presentation or as a poster. Selection of an abstract for poster presentation does not necessarily mean that it is inferior. The decision of the scientific committee will be final in this matter. Negotiations will not be entertained.

Abstracts for Oral Presentation

Oral abstracts will be presented in separate sessions grouped in accordance with the themes of the conference.

An expert in the field will moderate the presentations and chair each oral abstract session.

Abstracts for Poster Presentation

During the Congress, space will be available for a poster exhibition (electronic mode). Posters are graphic presentations of a scientific paper. The criteria are the same as for scientific papers.

The schedule for the presentation of the oral abstracts and posters will be intimated to the authors on well before the conference date.

Format for oral presentations and posters

All oral presentations will get 8 minutes followed by 2 minutes of discussion moderated by an expert. Outstanding submissions may be chosen for a longer presentation.

Posters may be made in the dimension 3′ x 4′ and should include all essential information without being too lengthy. It is strongly recommended to include charts, tables and figures in the abstracts for effective communication.

Publication of abstracts

The selected abstracts (submitted for oral and poster presentation) will be published in the abstract book of WAC. The organizers will also have rights to publish/decide not to publish the abstracts as a supplement edition of a peer reviewed; PubMed indexed journal from the field. However, authors have to register for the congress for the abstracts to be published in the abstract book as well as the research journal.

Best oral presentations and posters

The best oral presentation and poster will be appropriately recognized by a team of reviewers during WAC and will receive certificates.

Selection of abstracts and allocation to oral, poster and Ebook sections

The WAC committee will decide whether the submitted abstract is selected and subsequently slotted as oral, poster or Ebook presentation. The decision of the review committee will be final. The authors cannot submit an abstract to be considered for only oral presentation. However, if the authors want the abstract to be chosen for poster or Ebook only, this may be specified.

Submit your abstract now!